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Our History

From the forming of the club in 1958, the opening on the 3rd August 1962 and every volcanic eruption since, we've had a varied and full history.

In this section, our members past & present tell you in words and pictures all about what it's like to be a part of our club, and everything they've done in the surrounding Tongariro region.

If you're a member (or past member) and have anything to contribute, please do contact us!

Letters and Documents

AGM 1958


PRESENT: Messrs J. Woollett, A. Edwards, L. Meekings, I. Fordyce, K. Waugh, J. Fullagher, J. Simpson, C. Shaw, D. Coulter. Misses T.J. Edwards, M. Woollett, J. & E. Dixon, A. Simpson. Mesdames N. Waugh and A. Fordyce, R. Woollett.

CHAIRMAN: Mr A. Edwards was elected Chairman of the meeting.

On the motion of Miss Woollett and Mrs Waugh it was unanimously decided to endeavour to form a Ski Club.

NAME OF CLUB: After considerable discussion the following names were suggested:
  • Kuringai
  • Wallaby
  • Dolphin
  • Blue Mitts
  • Tasman
  • Boomerang

Mrs Waugh moved, Mr Shaw seconded that the name be an Australian one. Miss Simpson moved, Mr Woollett seconded an amendment that the name be one of no relation to any country.

The amendment was put to the vote and lost:
For: Messrs Woollett , Fordyce, Fullagher and Miss Simpson.
Against: Messrs Edwards, Meekings, Waugh, Simpson, Shaw, Coulter. Misses Edwards, Woollett, J. & E. Dixon. Mesdames Fordyce and Waugh.

The motion was carried.

The suggested names were then put to the vote and on the motion of Miss Woollett and Mr Meekings the suggestion "Boomerang" was decided on unanimously.

BADGE: It was resolved on the motion of Messrs Shaw and Fordyce to ask the students of the Elam School of Fine Arts to prepare a number of rough designs for presentation to the next meeting.

ELECTION OF INTERIM COMMITTEE: The following members were elected to Committee until such time as the Club is Incorporated and the site obtained when another election at a General Meeting would have to be held.

Miss Edwards moved, Mr Fordyce seconded that the Committee consist of seven members.
Secretary: Miss T Edwards
Ass. Secretary: Miss M. Woollett - declined
Mr L. Meekings - elected
Committee: Miss M. Woollett
Mr K. Waugh
Mr J. Fullagher
Mr I. Fordyce
Mr J. Simpson - declined
Mr C. Shaw - declined
Miss E. Dixon
SITE: It was decided that the Committee should view the sites available at the earliest moment and Mr Meekings offered to take his car down. The offer was accepted on the motion of Mesdames Fordyce and Waugh.

INTERIM EXPENSES: Miss Edwards moved, Mr Woollett seconded that each present member pay the sum of 5/- each.

Amendment Miss Woollett moved, Mrs Fordyce seconded that each member pay 5/- immediately and when expended another 5/- each be called for.

The amendment was carried.

It was also moved Mr Woollett and seconded Mrs Fordyce that the accounts for expenses incurred by the Committee in investigating the site be tabled at the next meeting and met by the members.

Confirmed this 26th day of June 1958.

(Signed) T.J. Edwards CHAIRMAN